Sugaring vs Waxing... What's the difference?

What is Sugar Wax?
100% natural!
Our wax is made of 3 simple ingredients - sugar, honey, and passion fruit juice. This offers benefits such as: less painful experience, skin friendly and minimizes the risk of ingrown hair.
And those are just a few of the great things about sugar waxing, you will love it!
Skin Friendly
Sugar wax does not adhere to live skin cells. This is why it is less painful than most waxes. Sugaring does remove dead skin cells – so as the hair is removed, your skin is also getting exfoliated!
Sugar wax is also very moisturizing to the skin. So if you find you have drier skin, sugaring may be a better option for your skin.
Naturally Hypoallergenic
Sugaring is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic. Some people may have allergies to wax. This is usually in the form of inflemation in the area that was waxed. If you find that to be the case for you, Sugaring is a natural alternative that will make all the difference to your comfort after your service. You will experience less skin response after your service.
Environment Friendly
Sugar wax is made from 3 simply organic ingredients- sugar, passion fruit juice, and water. You can feel great about the products being put on your skin and back into the environment with this naturally biodegradable hair removal product!

Frequently Asked Questions
How to Prepare For Sugaring
Have your skin free of lotions and oils.
It is ideal to come to your appointment freshly after the shower. Any substances on your skin such as sweat, lotions, oils, deodorant, etc, can cause the wax not to adhere to the hair efficiently due to the barrier created.
When Can I Not Sugar?
Sugaring is generally safe for most skin types. However, you should avoid it if you
-Have been on Accutane in the last nine months
-Current sunburn or open wounds/sore/rash/cut
-Cosmetic Injectables or permanent makeup in the last six weeks
-Given birth in the last six weeks
-Antibiotics or other medications that cause skin thinning or photo-sensitivity (please consult with your doctor before your appointment)
-New tattoos or piercings in the last six weeks
– Customers with allergies to sucrose.
What to expect after sugaring
Avoid tanning, hot showers, friction, tight clothing, sweating, and open water for 24 hours. Aftercare is important to maintain results! Begin exfoliating 48 hours after your service. Use BushBalm exfoliating scrub every 2-3 days. This helps keep hair growing up and away from the skin and reduces ingrown hairs. Hydrate as needed using one of our BushBalm oils.
How long should the hair be?
We recommend your hair to be long enough to pinch (about 3 weeks after shaving). Our professionals can work with many hair lengths and will keep
you informed about your treatment throughout your appointment.
If you have been shaving prior to sugaring, try giving yourself at least 14 days without shaving the hair before booking your appointment for the smoothest results.
Is sugar wax safe?
Our sugar wax is water soluble which means it can be removed easily with warm water.No smell, no artificial colors, no toxins, no resins, just three simple ingredients.
Is there anywhere I can't sugar wax?
Sugar wax is a unique 100% organic product made of sugar, passion fruit juice, and water (that’s it). It is so natural and non-toxic that you can even eat it. You really can! Our sugar is water soluble which means it can be removed easily with warm water. No smell, no artificial colors, no toxins, no resins, just three simple ingredients.
The only places we will not wax are the scalp and beards. Everywhere else, we can take care of it!